Sunday 2 November 2008

A Quiet Night In

It’s been a nice quiet weekend here in York, I went to see my uncle Atty and cousin Alistair on the Friday night, I had a nice meal with them and a bath and we talked about politics round the fire and our subjects and generally caught up. Then I had a lovely nights sleep in a huge feather bed, bliss.

I came home on the Saturday morning, and that’s what it was. When I pulled into York station I really felt like I was coming home, and the feeling only intensified as I made it back to Goodricke. So I have really settled in.

A quiet night at the Charles (the local pub) on the Saturday and then films in my room tonight, we are watching Sin City as I type this, so a lovely, quiet and ultimately cheap weekend. A seminar presentation tomorrow and a bit of shopping are the only thing on the cards. As well as some reading and organising.

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