Friday, 21 November 2008

Life goes on!

Just a quick post, done to get across two things. One that, I can have a responsible night out and also that I am off to climb Snowdon this weekend. One the night out front it was one of my housemates birthday last night (Adam turned 19!) And it fell to my less than capable feet to organise a night out for him because and I quote. "Rob you know loads of pubs" And so I did, and it wasn't willy-nilly and was properly planned with the right balance between price/distance and the right pub and bar mix. However, bar a few exceptions, none of my housemates had been to any of the places that we were about to go off to. So I drunk responsibly he whole night and lead a pretty damn good crawl. And the night was a success!

On the Snowdonia front we have decided to actually climb Snowdon because it’s well known and decently populated by otter walkers and as the forecast is bloody cold with the possibility of Snow this seems like a good idea. Should stay reasonably rain dry though, just snow which is easier to stay dry from. Expect piccies!

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